Grade I Historic Property
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In 1996, the Luginsland estate was declared a Grade I Historic Property, i.e. a property of special cultural and historical value. It means that the property should be preserved in an unchanged original architectural form. Therefore, it is forbidden to interfere with the form, demolish or carry out alterations which would change or destroy the image of the external or internal parts of the building, as well as all of its elements. Any works to be carried out require approvals and permits issued by the competent administrative authorities, including the local conservator. Changes in the architectural fabric are allowed only in exceptional circumstances and only on the basis of appropriate arrangements with the local conservator.

From the very first day our team undertook the task of bringing Villa Luginsland back to life, we have been working closely with the office of The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage. We share the mutual goal of bringing the historic building back to its former glory under the watchful eyes of world’s best specialists. To achieve this goal, we have gathered an international team of architects, engineers, interior designers and historians to restore this remarkable villa and breathe new life into its walls with respect to its history, tradition and class.

That is why, from the very start of the process of revitalisation we have devised and implemented state of the art solutions and technologies in order to secure the building and its surrounding area while making sure that its delicate tissue stays intact and the Luginsland Estate gets to inspire awe yet again.

Luginsland Ltd.